A housing project defines the characteristics of a building and the steps that must be followed to build it.
It is the most effective method to have a budget as closed as possible so as not to have surprises.
This project identifies all the details of the work.
The documentation of a work project is made up of:
- Memory : It is the written documentation with the characteristics of the project. It consists of a descriptive report of the project, a constructive and technical report and all the annexes of compliance with the regulations. The report also identifies the situation, the background and all other solutions adopted.
- Graphic documentation : They are the plans of a project. They start with the location and site plans and go down in scale detailing all the actions to be carried out in the work up to the construction details. Depending on the type of work, plans for facilities, structures, urban planning, etc. will be added.
- Sheet of particular technical prescriptions . The legal document that will regulate the execution, the technical obligations imposed on the builder, as well as definitions and qualities of the materials to be used. It also regulates the process of execution of the work or the measurement criteria.
- measurements . It is the list of chapters and items of the work and materials of the work. With the measurements, the budget broken down by unit prices can be made.
- Annexes to the file . Waste management, health and safety study, geotechnical study of the terrain and other documents to complement depending on the location of the project to carry out the works.
What types of projects do we do?
- Previous study. It consists of a review of the urban parameters and a sketch to verify the feasibility of the work, either technically or economically. It also serves to resize the investment, find out about possible construction companies that can carry out the work or look for sources of financing.
- It is a project with a definition at the distribution level of the work. Various design and creative alternatives can be proposed.
- Basic project. The document is the architectural definition with the solution adapted on site. Both the volume and the distribution of the work are detailed. This project includes a general budget by chapters. This project is a final project but not yet ready to construct the building.
- Executive Project. It is the final project, it includes all the technical documentation necessary for the execution of the work.
- Major works project. It is a project (executive) of greater technical complexity because the works affect the structure, the volume or the main use of the building (this always happens in new construction projects). Sometimes a project of this type is also requested when there are modifications to fire safety, sanitation or ventilation conditions.
- Minor works project. It is a project (executive) of less technical complexity, greater technical simplicity and of scarce economic entity.
- Technical documentation.
To consider: Depending on the municipality in which the work is carried out, the technician of this may request one type of project or another. For this reason, before starting to write the construction project, we visit the relevant technician to specify the required project.
The price of a construction project
The price of this varies according to the type of project, the size, the cost of the work and the technical difficulties among other variables. This represents between 5% and 15% of the cost of the works.
Next, we detail information on: new construction projects, preliminary projects, basic project, executive projects and technical projects:
Why should I carry out the project with Pujadó Soler?
Pujadó Soler is a multidisciplinary studio founded by Sergi Pujadó Soler. The firm is formed with several collaborators specialized in architecture, urban planning and engineering.
What steps will Pujadó Soler follow when preparing the project?
Firstly, it will study the functional program to adapt to the needs and premises of the client.
He will then carry out a sustainability study of the project in which I will later save.
You will have the security that your home will end up being a healthy and energy efficient house
He will continue with a technological and home automation study that will make his life easier.
Finally, he will design with a creative stamp to have a unique and unrepeatable project.
What types of New Construction projects can I commission?
Among the new construction projects are detached single-family homes, chalets and villas.
If you are thinking of carrying out the new construction project that you have always dreamed of, count on us to make it a reality.
Our goal is that your home is energy efficient, we are continually researching new materials and construction formulas to make the projects that we turn into reality.
Also in new construction we find residential buildings.
The promoter is our central axis in these promotions, he is constantly informed of where the work is at. Once a month we send you a construction summary report with the different actions that have been carried out and any other data to be highlighted.
With the project already presented, the relevant license is requested from the City Council and in turn the search for builders to carry out the works begins.
In case you want it, we can offer you an All-In-One service that includes detailed and closed budgets with execution deadlines and with a single manager for your project. It is the best method to avoid cost overruns and have greater control.